My love is for you. with every last drop of blood that pumps through my heart, i am dedicated to you.
-but who are you?
- how am i to show my love for you?
- are you a person?
- are you a nation?
- are you a plant?
- are you an animal?
- or are you simply part of the wonders of this world?
How do i show my love for You?
* i shall create for you. i will think of something that you might need in the near future, and while in creation i shall think of how wonderfull the results will be, and how eager i am to offer to you something i have made with love specifically to fit YOU.
* when i walk into your home, if a disgrace has taken place, i automatically scan to identify what is needed and i automatically engage to fill that need. ex: your home has been robbed/violated and is now a hectic mess, i will clean it up for/with you.
*i shall sing for you. the song of my soul, the voice from within my heart. there is no higher praise. even if without words, the vibrations in my voice carry the message of the soul. this is a testimony of my love.
* i shall dance for you. have you in my presence makes me rejoice in happiness. you make me want to jump and laugh, and scream, and move around. my movements are in correspondence to the feelings you have brought to me. LOVE
* i shall offer you something that is of great value to me, because you are of greater value.
* i shall declare my love for you. love is the most POWERFUL! emotion/feeling/etc.. in existence. many people are living in darkness and are skeptic of such emotions, even thought they all wish it.
i shall declare my love for you to show others that they too can love you. and that you are a part of my inner being being whole.
but whom do I love?
- our most beautiful and divine Creator.
- this present and physical life.
- EARTH, for its secrets, its power, and it's giving nature. OUR home
- all sources of natural energy; Sun, Nature(trees), Food(fruits & vegies), WATER, air (wind), Rain, etc...
- differences; culture, beliefs, languages, recipes.... different points of view.
- my mother and father, for caring for me and always being there when most needed.
- animals; for teaching us and inspiring us and guiding us. and in some cases feeding us
- my soul mate: for discovering along with me the true meanings of love, and how the power of love transforms us. how we are blinded and can no longer see the little superficial things anymore, it is now you and me and THAT is all that matters
- the people that i encounter everyday: my friends, my family, my classmates, my teachers, my collgues, the bus driver, the cashier, the old lady reading her book on the park bench, the young man begging for his "next meal";
NO MATTER how old you are, no matter how dark or light your skin is, no matter whether you wear shoes made out of hay or gucci made, no matter whether you work for queen or for mcdonalds, no matter whether you are an olympic champion or if you are bed/chair bound forever. no matter no matter no matter!!! i love you for WHO you are
on this planet we need our differences in order to make a difference.
we need out differences to learn from eachother.
we need our differences to grow
not one person is greater or "Better" then the other.
we need our differences to create memories
we need our differences to have unimaginable experiences.
look at the rainbow! look how beautiful it is with all of it's different colors along in harmony together in the sky. it is our teacher!
so how do i show my love for you?
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